Appointment Types
- General Check-Ups
- Children’s Health - Men’s Health - Women’s Health
- Family Planning - Pregnancy Tests
- INR’s - ECG’s - Spirometry’s
- Cervical Screenings - Ante-natal Care
- Childhood Immunisations - Vaccinations
- Minor Surgery - Skin Excisions
- Skin Checks and freezing of sunspots and warts.
- Department of Transport Forms - (Drivers Licence)
- Workcover claims - Centrelink paperwork.
- Mental Health and Counselling referrals
- DVA - Allied Health referrals
- Venesections – Iron Infusions
Appointments can be made by telephone or by email to
We allow 15 minutes for a standard consultation. If you think you will need more time with your GP, please let us know when you book your appointment, and we can offer a longer appointment to suit. At times, it may not be practical for the doctor to discuss more than one condition in the same consultation and the doctor may ask you to make a second appointment.
If you are experiencing any cold or flu like symptoms, you must inform the receptionist when booking. A negative Rapid Antigen Test result is required before you can be seen in person, however a telephone or telehealth consultation may be appropriate if you are a regular patient at the practice. Telehealth appointments can be made by contacting us to make a booking with your GP.
A mask is required within the practice.
Patients who present without an appointment will be triaged by our nurse and accommodated as soon as possible in fairness to those patients with appointments, who may already be waiting.
Emergency presentations will take precedence over pre-booked appointments. Waiting patients will be notified in this event.